Binarium platform Release and Development plan.

03.2018 - 06.2018: Basic infrastructure development

  • Completed Infrastructure core development in completed desktop software product - Binarium Wallet.
  • Completed Community involvements on tematic forums, portals and social networks publishing.
  • Completed Information resources development: Blockchain explorer (ВСЕ), main project portal, etc.

06.2018 - 10.2018: Binarium integrations with computer games projects by Cybertime System

For project popularization proceeding, more community involvements, and integration debigging, we intergrate Binarium cryptocurrency platform with computer games, developed by Cybertime-System. And the first these project is Anomaly Zone.

  • Frozen Virtual web-wallets system development with intant transaction improvements for "many confirmations problem" decision and easing integration of another projects. The merchants API and Interface already being developed for this services.
  • Completed Binarium in-game integration, with refunding default in-game balance by current exchange rate. Any game items will be available for purchase.

After 10.2018: Trading on big cryptocurrency exchanges

Doing trading possibility with other popular cryptocurrency pairs.

After 01.2019: Development of GRID Computing, A.I. calculations in Binarium network

Parallelization of AI calculations in Binarium network and implementation of practical tasks for different enterprises, companies, studios, projects and other organizations in Russia and other countries.

Implementation of a platform for general purpose computations in all areas, based on experience of work with AI calcualtions system.

Concept of GRID computing on Binarium network

Medical projects
  • Выполнено Neurovisor: Finding and analysis lungs patologies on X-Ray images. Technology is reviewed. Demo-version is free and allowed for all online. Use your X-Ray images:
Financial projects
  • Выполнено Neuroexpert.Bank: Crashing, bankrupting and licenses defeating prognosis for Russian banks. Technology is reviewed. Access granted for Legal Entities only, after request and identity checking:
What's next

We will analyze efficiency of work of such system in its integration with existing programs for rendering of images. If pefrormance 'll be adequate, then we'll use this solution. If parallelization of rendering engines directly in network 'll be more eficient, then we will implement specialized solution for rendering, in addition to existing solutions. Implementation of practical applications of rendering : medical data visualization, visualization of scientific, industrial, economical and other kinds of data.

Searching and analysis of other uses of general purpose computations in Binarium network, for example, information security, everyday helpers and advisors for people, robots and automatic transport navigation systems, robotic technologies and automatization of factories, economics automatization, scientific calculations performing and others.

Published: 7 years ago, last edit: 2 years ago