Exchange listing, mining pool, CPU miner and more...
Binarium has now listed on Ubit crypto exchange. We work for prepare Binarium for listing on another exchanges
- Sell & Buy Binarium now:
Official pool started for collective Binarium mining and created dedicated CPU miner for Windows & Linux.
- Mining pool:
- CPU miner binaries:
Required settings in cpuminer-conf.json file
"url" : "stratum tcp://", "user" : "XbCiEW3RpLyvuTBxf2Kn99bv6PrPB9Azy8", // Your Binariums receive address, you can generate it in wallet. "pass" : "anything", "algo" : "Binarium_hash_v1", "threads" : 1, // Amount of mining threads. Usually equal of CPU physical cores. "cpu-priority" : 0, "cpu-affinity" : -1
Then launch it in console with command: cpuminer -c cpuminer-conf.json or launch run.bat
Currently we integrate miner for pool into wallet, so that it'll be easy to work with it : just launch and everything already works. Meanwhile, you can use mining in pool with this standalone console miner.