Binarium v. 0.12.4 released and more...

We implemented Binarium Cryptocurrency update 0.12.4, in it we made following improvements:

  • Made changes in inteface to indicate, that PrivateSend and InstaSend - are additional options, which are not needed for usual cryptocurrency transfers.
  • Added option in Settings window for defining of amount of CPU threads for mining.
  • Increased RPC-server reliability of work, so that it'll process all clients' requests right under heavy load.
  • Added reserve RPC-server in their list for clients, so that they'll receive information from it, if main one will not be available for some time.
  • And made other improvements.


We opened BlockChain Explorer: currently we develop new functions for it, if you'll find any bugs, please, send reports to support E-Mail.

We opened Discord-channel for Binarium Cryptocurrency and its development discussion:

We opened Binarium Bounty program: . Its main rules are: Join to one of our soical networks groups:

Fill in your application here: We will process applications each Saturday and Sunday.

  • Age of your account should be at least 3 months.
  • You should have at least 100 friends/followers.
  • Minimal time interval between Binarium related publications is 5 days.

We will pay to you from 1 to 50 Binariums, depending on publication's quality, its markup, images precense, your channels and profiles popularity and reputation and based on other parameters. If your accounts and channels are very popular, then we can pay to you more : all prices are negotiable.

We also accept publications on YouTube, sites and forums - with simillar requirements.

Published: 7年前, last edit: 6年前